Baby Has A Cold

Baby Has A Cold, What Am I To Do?!

Baby Has A Cold

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Baby’s First Cold

I remember my baby getting his first cold when he was about 14 weeks.  I was so devastated that my little one was sick with the cold.  I took him to the doctor, but there is not much that can be done when a baby has a cold.  His doctor recommended a few things that we could do at home to help relieve the cold symptoms and that was about it.  There are no prescription medicine that can be given to a baby when he or she as a cold.  Here are some of the things that I did to help eliminate my baby’s cold symptoms.


Humidifier is a life saver and a must.  A humidifier will help alleviate:

  • Sinus congestion
  • Nose irritation
  • Dry throat
  • Cough
  • Headaches

Even if your baby is not sick, a humidifier is an excellent item to have in your baby rooms.  It adds just the right amount of moisture into the air.  The one that I currently own is by crane.  It has a night light and an automatic shut off function.  So when the water runs out it shuts down on its own.  It does not require any type of filter.  The maintenance of this is effortless.  If your baby has a cold, definitely invest in a humidifier.

Baby Menthol Vapor Rub

I am a true believer in baby menthol vapor rub.  I started to use this on my baby when he turned 3 months.  The instructions directs you to only use this product on 3 months or older babies.   I currently use the vicks vapor rub it contains eucalyptus, rosemary and lavender.

Baby vicks vapor rub helps with:

  • Chest congestion
  • Cough
  • Stuffy nose

Baby vicks vapor rub helps your baby sleep better and more comfortably.  I usually rub my baby’s chest, back and sole of feet with the vicks vapor rub.  I even apply a little by his nose.  I find that applying vapor rub on my baby helps tremendously when my baby has a cold.

Let’s Talk Mucus In The Nose

One of the most troubling thing that you will notice when your baby has a cold, is the build up of mucus in the nose.  Your baby can not blow his or her nose, so it is our job to get that mucus out.  The quickest and easiest way to do so is by using the NoseFrida.  The NoseFrida works by using our own suction to clear the babies’ nose.  All there is to it is placing the blue part of the NoseFrida in your babies’ nose and placing the tube in your mouth.  Then proceed to suck on the tube in effort to suction the nose.

The NoseFrida:

  • Invented by doctors and pediatrician endorsed
  • Very hygienic  and uses disposable filters that are proven to prevent transfer of mucus and germs
  • Easy to clean and can be placed in the dishwasher
  • BPA free and very safe to use

My baby hates being suctioned, however, using the NoseFrida makes it a lot more bearable.

Now On To The Over The Counter Medicine

Zarbee’s Naturals Cough Syrup

Zarbee’s has been my go to medicine for my baby from the time he had his very first cold.

Zarbee’s is:

  • Pediatrician recommended
  • Natural
  • Soothes cough naturally
  • Can be used on 2 month old infants
  • Contains agave syrup
  • Free of artificial sweetener, drugs, alcohol and dyes

Zarbee’s is the only syrup my baby gets when he is sick with the cold.  It seems to be the safest one out there. This is a definite staple in our home.

Quick Tip

My baby hates getting medicine, so what I do at times is mix his medicine with a portion of his food, cereal or fruit and that does the trick!

Watch My Baby Cold Must Haves Video Below!

Hyland’s Baby Day & Night Tiny Cold Tablets

Hyland’s Tablets are my second go to medicine when my baby has a cold.

Hyland’s is:

  • Homeopathic formula made with only natural ingredients
  • Relieves runny nose, congestion, sneezing naturally
  • Tables are dissolves quickly by melting in your baby’s mouth
  • Easy to use
  • Very safe and does not form any medicine habits
  • Regulated by U.S. Food and Drug

My baby enjoys getting the Hyland’s baby day & night tiny cold tablets.

He has no problem dissolving these tablets in his mouth, and I must say that I find that this works well to help relief his cold symptoms.  It is quick, easy and non messy.  This is a must have in my home when it comes to baby colds.

Should I Give My Baby Probiotics?

Absolutely yes! My baby has been getting probiotics from time he was an infant.  The probiotics that he gets is called Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplements.  The probiotics comes in a powder form in little packets.  I mix one packet in his milk or fruit and he eats it like nothing.

Probiotics Helps with:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Reducing colic
  • Promoting a healthy digestive system
  • Clearing up eczema

What About Vitamins, Does My Baby Really Need This?

A breastfed baby normally gets all of the vitamins from the breast milk, therefore vitamins are not necessary in the early stages from one to six months.  However, the only vitamin that breast milk lacks is Vitamin D.  So it is necessary to give your baby Vitamin D drops from birth.  A recommended amount of 400IU is suggested as the daily dosage to breastfed babies.

Vitamin D:

  • Supports healthy bone development
  • Prevents rickets (a sickness that causes weak bones)

As your baby grows older and start eating solids, it may be necessary to start your baby on a multivitamin that contains iron.  Currently, my baby gets a multivitamin and it works out fine for him.

In my opinion giving your baby a multivitamin is a great decision.


  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes healthy growth and development

Will My Baby Get A Cold?

Yes, I am sorry to say this but your baby will get a cold at some point and it is important to be prepared.  Start by getting a few of the items mentioned above and keep them stored away in your baby’s cabinet.  I hate it when my baby has a cold.  To be honest, I can not even count the amount of times my baby has been sick with the cold.  It is one too many times.  With my baby being in daycare, catching a cold is inevitable.

I am happy that I am able to reduce my baby symptoms by having all of his baby cold must haves on hand.  I encourage you to do the same, it will help eliminate some stress in trying to figure out what is needed when that time comes.

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Baby Has A Cold

Baby Has a cold

Baby Has a cold

Baby Has a cold