Baby Refusing Bottle

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Baby Refusing Bottle

Oh my goodness!!! Why is my baby refusing bottle. What am I going to do was my initial thought. It’s been about two months now that my baby absolutely will not drink from a baby bottle.  He just out of nowhere decided to stop drinking from a bottle.

When I discovered that he no longer wanted to drink from a bottle, I was a nervous wreck because he attends daycare and I am not available to nurse him throughout the day.  What was I going to do, I thought to myself?!


My baby only wants to be breastfed. He has no problem drinking from my breast but as soon as I put the bottle to his mouth, he cries and gets upset acting as as if it’s poison. I don’t get it, it’s the same milk? lol. He has been drinking from a bottle from the time he was a newborn and he has never had any type of issues doing so.  How is it possible that a 9 month old is now refusing the bottle?  I headed to google to research this topic, and found that this is quite normal and many babies at some point refuses the bottle.


My baby attends daycare during the day. So instantly I panicked because I was concerned about how will my baby be fed? Yes, he does eat solid, but he still needs his milk during the day to get his nutrients. I was determined to find a solution to this, I had to think quick and fast.


Solutions to a Baby Refusing Bottle

Sippy Cup

I quickly started thinking of a plan that may help him drink. I wondered if he was just tired of drinking from a bottle. I decided to introduce him to the Nuk sippy cup.  I was positive that this will work.

Baby Refusing Bottle


However, this was a complete FAIL. Baby boy did not want to drink from the sippy cup. In fact, I tried several sippy cups and he just did not want to drink from it.  His mind was completely made up.

Medela Softfeeder

Baby Refusing Bottle

I did extensive research and found this product. What a lifesaver!! This product is the only product you need if your baby refuses the bottle.  This product solved all my problems and my baby drank his milk from it.  I’ts quite a unique product but it gets the job done.  It is called the Medela Softfeeder.  It is made by Medela.  The company that makes one of the most popular breast pumps.  It is basically a spoon that allows you to control the milk flow. Your baby is fed from it as if he or she is drinking from a spoon.

The only thing to keep in mind, is that now you are back to feeding your baby.  He or she cannot hold the spoon to feed on his or her own.  So no more, give the baby the bottle and he or she feeds themselves.  It is back to square one.

However, it is very easy to use and your baby will be very responsive to it.  Everyone raved about how good of a product this is and it’s no lie, it really is a problem solver.

Although my baby refuses to take a bottle, I feel somewhat okay because he is still able to drink his milk from the Medela Softfeeder.  He is now eleven months and only drinks 2 ounces per feeding.  He eats solids, three times per day, and he also eats cereal once per day.  His favorite cereal is Happy Baby Organic Probiotic Baby Cereal, multigrain.

Baby Refusing Bottle

He still nurses throughout the night, so I feel he is well content.  So yes, baby refusing bottle was nerve racking in the beginning, but I was able to overcome it by using the Medela Softfeeder.  If you are having this issue, I highly suggest that you give this item a try.  It is well worth the money.

He is coming up on the big one and we will soon be transitioning him to whole milk and he will have to officially be drinking from a sippy cup.  I know it will be challenging but we will work it out!

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2 thoughts on “Baby Refusing Bottle”

  1. Very informative. Thanks for sharing your experience. My nephew did the same thing at approx 8 months. I’m going to suggest the Medela Softfeeder for sure.

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