First Day of Daycare

first day of daycare

Thoughts on Daycare

Ugh daycare! Why is maternity leave so short?  Why must I go back to work? WHY? I cried just at the thought of my son going to daycare. But what can I do? I’m a working mom, and this mamma has to go back to work.  I just decided to look at it on the brighter side and thank God that I have been blessed with a job that allows me to provide for my little one.


I researched tirelessly seeking the best daycare for my little one.  During my maternity leave we toured several facilities.  We wanted to make sure that our baby was going to receive the best care in a clean environment.  I carried with me a checklist with my requirements for the care for my baby.  I also had several questions and concerns. They all were lacking something.  Nowhere was even close to perfect, however, we were able to pick one that we were comfortable with.

Check out my video on what to pack for daycare below

First day of Daycare


It had been ten weeks since baby boy was born and the day I dreaded was finally here!! Maternity leave was officially OVER. As we drove up to the daycare, I had a sudden emotion of sadness ,regret and worry.  I did not want to leave him.  I cried like a baby when we finally handed him over to the caregiver.  Luckily my husband was also there, and he comforted me and told me it was going to be okay.  I was told that I can stop by or call st anytime during the day.  Rest assure, I did exactly that!

It Got Better

Everyday it got better, I started to feel more comfortable with him being in daycare.  Baby boy also seemed to be enjoying his stay there.  He made friends and was developing well emotionally and physically.  As soon as the clock hit 5:00PM, I clocked out and could not wait to get my prince.  We both were happy to see each other.

Mammas comment below and let me know how the first day went for you and your little one.

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