Diaper Change

Diaper Change Made Easy

Diaper Change

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I remember one thing I was terrified of doing was diaper change.  Mainly because I had absolutely no experience with a baby.  My husband and I even took a paid class at the hospital to learn about how to care for a newborn.  Needless to say, after changing a couple of diapers I felt like I was a professional diaper changer lol!

Here are some tips on making diaper change easy as 123.

What Is The Best Diaper?

There are so many different types of diapers out there to say the least.  I must say that I experimented some what until I found the right diaper that was perfect for my newborn.  The pampers swaddlers worked the best for my baby when he was a newborn.  The pampers swaddlers met all of the requirements that I was looking for in a diaper.

  • It is soft and comfortable
  • It has the wetness indicator
  • It has the umbilical cord cut out
  • Up to 12 hours of protection

As your baby gets older you will no longer need to use the swaddlers.  I suggest buying different types and try them out.  Currently my favorite diapers are made by Aldi. It is inexpensive and works extremely well for my baby.  Check out my favorite Aldi baby items below in the video.

Aldi Baby Haul

When my baby started sleeping on his stomach,  I struggled with my baby wetting thru his diaper during the night.  I could not figure out why this was happening.  I even increased his diaper size and he still would wet his diapers. Until one day my husband suggested to me to go to the store and see if there is a nigh time baby diaper.  Sure enough there was one.  I started putting my baby in this diaper at night and he has completely stop wetting thru his diaper.  The one I use is from Huggies OverNites Diapers.  It is amazing!

How Often Should You Change Baby Diaper?

I recommend changing your baby diaper every two hours.  This is a good practice to have.  When my baby was a newborn, I changed his diaper every two hours regardless if he wet his diaper or not.  I just wanted him comfortable.  Sometimes just changing the diaper even though it was dry simmered him down if he was crying or agitated.  I even changed him during the night when he was asleep.  To this day, I still do middle of the nights changing.  I just do not like to have my baby in a wet diaper for extended times even though he is asleep.  Yes it is extra work, but I feel better knowing that he is in dry diaper.  I do not want him to ever get a diaper rash due to being in a wet diaper that needed to be changed.

Is Diaper Rash Cream Necessary?

Absolutely, diaper rash cream should be used at all times.  You should not wait until your baby develops a rash to start using the cream.  In fact one of the easiest way to prevent a diaer rash is by simply applying diaper cream on your baby.  You should be doing everything you can to prevent your baby from getting a diaper rash.  I imagine that diaper rashes are very painful.  I have been using diaper rash cream from the time my baby was a newborn.  I actually use it every diaper change and I also instructed the daycare sitter to apply it as well at each diaper change.  I am proud to say my baby has not ever developed a rash.  I love using the A & D treat diaper rash cream (the one in the blue box) and also the Aldi diaper rash cream.

Let me give you a mommy tip, please use diaper rash cream at least for the last diaper change before bed.  Your baby may stay in that diaper for the entire night and all that wet diaper sitting on your baby’s skin for a prolong period of time may cause a rash.  So to prevent this just use diaper rash cream.

How To Apply the Diaper Rash Cream?

To apply I use a special brush that was made especially for the application of diaper cream.  It is called BabyBum Diaper Cream Brush.  I oh so love this brush.  I do not have to worry about using my hands to apply the cream.  The diaper rash cream is water resistant so at times it may be difficult to remove.  I do not ever have to worry about this.  The brush makes it effortless to apply the cream to my baby’s bottom. It is a must have for diaper changes.

Here is a great tip:

You can also just use petroleum jelly instead of diaper rash cream if your baby does not have a rash during diaper change. Oh and this actually was recommended to me by my baby’s pediatrician, so yes it is very safe to use petroleum jelly.

What Baby Wipes should I use?

There are a plethora of baby wipes to choose from.  It can be overwhelming.  I suggest buying a couple of different types and just try them out until you find the one that you like the best.  I however, recommend the Huggies Natural Care Wipes.

The Huggies Natural Care Wipes are:

  • Fragrance Free
  • Hypollaergenic
  • Free of Alcohol
  • Tested by Dermatologist
  • Sturdy but still soft (You do not have to worry that the wipe will tear on you and your hands will get messy

What About A Wipes Warmer, Does It Matter?

I highly suggest getting a wipes warmer.  Your baby will love you for this.  The wipes are so cold and when you use the cold wipes on your baby’s bottom the coldness of the wipes may startle your baby.  The warmer makes it more comfortable for your baby.  I love my wipes warmer, I love using it to clean up my baby’s face, hands and body.  It’s just the right temperature and my baby loves it.  So it is a yes for me, get that wipe warmer mama.  It is worth the investment.

Do You Really Need A Diaper Pale?

YES YES and another YES!  It is very well worth it to invest in a diaper pale.  It is a designated place where the baby’s soiled diaper is placed. Let me just tell you this, whenever a baby poops it stinks and that scent can linger in the room.  So why not put it in a pale that will securely keep that scent tucked away.  It is absolutely a must have.  But just to be clear, all diaper pales are not the same or created equally.  I searched and searched until I found the absolutely best diaper pale.  The one that I got was Ubbi Diaper pale and here are the facts about this pale.

The Ubbi Diaper pale is:

  • Made of steel with an airtight lid which allows for maximum odor control
  • It has a child proof lock that prevents your little one from opening it
  • Uses standard trash bags, which means you do not have to buy special bags for this pale.  (Saves a ton of money)
  • No assembly needed, it is ready to use out of the box

Other Miscellaneous Items That Make Diaper Change Easy

Diaper Changing Table

I highly recommend purchasing a diaper changing table.  It is more convenient than using the bed.  When using the bed, there is always a chance that it may get peed on, and now you just gave yourself more work because the sheets will need to be changed.  To avoid all of that, if you can, invest in a diaper changing table.  Also, do not forget to get the cushion to place on top of it.  You will be glad you did.

No Rinse Cleanser

When doing a diaper change, sometimes wipes do not do the job.  There are times when your baby will do an extreme blow out and he or she will need to be cleaned up with something more than a wipe.  It is a cross between, I really do not want to give my baby a bath right at this moment, but I really need to clean him or her better that what this wipe is doing.  In situations like this, I recommend using Mustela No-Rinse Cleansing Water.  This works like a charm!  It gets my baby smelling good and it cleans all the mess away.  Using it is really easy.  Just put a couple pumps of the solution on to a wash cloth and then use on your baby.

Diaper Changing Pads

Okay, there are times when changing the diaper gets really messy and complicated.  Your changing table covers are at risk to getting messy with poop and pea.  To avoid this, get some diaper changing pads that can be placed on top of your diaper changing table.  So basically, your baby is resting on these pads when changing her or her.  This way any poop or pee will get on the pads rather than the actual covers.  There are two types, disposable changing pads and reusable changing pads.  I have tried both and love both of them.

Have A Cloth on Hand

Always have a cloth on hand in case your baby pees while changing the diaper. Boys tend to pee on you when the soiled diaper is being removed.  So it is important to place a cloth on his private area to avoid being peed on.

Diaper Caddy

The diaper caddy came in so handy.  In my diaper caddy, I have everything that is needed to change the baby’s diaper and other items that my baby may need

My Diaper Caddy Includes:

  1. Diapers
  2. Diaper Rash Cream
  3. BabyBum Diaper Cream Brush
  4. No Rinse Cleanser
  5. Baby Thermometer
  6. Gas Drops
  7. Nose Freeda

Final Notes On Changing Diaper

As your baby grows older he or she is going to hate being change.  At around 7 months my baby started to cry and still to this day gets annoyed each time he is laced on his back for a diaper change.  I even have times where I have to compromise and change him while he was standing.  Talk about challenging, lol.

I find that singing to him or even giving him a toy or any item to play with while changing him helps.  Whenever I sing to him, that actually calms him.  Whenever I give him something to hold while changing him, it takes his attention off of the fact he is being changed and on the item he is holding.

Changing your baby’s diaper can be challenging at times but it is something that has to be done.  So try to get it done as fast as possible.  If there is one thing you need to remember is, always use diaper rash cream.  This will aid in preventing your baby from enduring a painful diaper rash.

Diaper Change

Diaper Change