New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

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New Years Resolutions

Yea Yea I know, Its May, the New Years is so over. In fact it is almost Christmas again. I know I am super late, but hey in my eyes it is never too late to set your new years resolutions and actually abide my them.

Too often we set new years resolutions and we do not implement them.  I plan on implementing each of my new years resolutions. Since we are basically half way through the year, I am pleased to say that I have indeed executed my new years resolutions and I am proud of myself for doing so.

For 2018 I kept it simple and realistic.  No it doesn’t include working out and losing wait.  It is just practical things that are easy to execute.  Below are my new years resolutions for the 2018.

Pampering Myself

I must admit since I became a mom, it has been rough.  I have not been able to take care of myself like I once used to.  I remember back in the day, I would always get a manicure, pedicure and I would throw in a massage here and there.  Lately, I have not done any of those things.  I have been so busy trying to juggle everything.  For me its baby, wife, work and the cycle keeps repeating itself day in and day out.  So for 2018 I am making it a point to do something in the area of pampering once a week.

I plan on getting regular massages, pedicures, manicures, reflexology, and my hair done.

Connecting With Spouse

Aside from pampering, I would like to have once a lunch dates with my husband.  It could be something as simple as going for ice cream, yogurt or coffee. It doesn’t have to be for a whole hour it could be for just a half an hour.  The point is just to spend some alone time together.  I think that this is important.  Sometimes we get so carried away with life that we forget each other.  I feel that this will allow us to reconnect.

Organizing Myself

I also would like to start using a daily planner, almost all of the time I feel so overwhelmed.  I think if i started using a planner it will help me get more organized.  I will be able to take note of what needs to be done as well as times that certain tasks needs to be completed.  Yes, I do use my phone, but it’s nothing like writing it down on paper.  So I think this will be a good practice for 2018.

New Years Resolutions

Bettering Myself

My final resolution to just be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and christian.  This includes doing more daily devotions and making it about to check in with family members more often.  I need to remember to take a breath and get back to the basics.  Family is important and we should always make it a point to check in with each other more often.  Life is so uncertain and not promised, this is why we must not take each day for granted.  We must always tell our loved ones that we love and cherish them.

Do you believe in having new year resolutions?

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