Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Preventing Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

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Pregnancy Stretch Marks!  Some women are blessed to not get any pregnancy stretch marks and unfortunately for the rest of us we are prone to getting these unattractive, ugly pregnancy stretch marks!

Are Stretch Marks Hereditary?

There has been a great debate that indicates that stretch marks are not preventable and that it is hereditary.  Research states that if your mom had stretch marks in the past then you will definitely get them too!  This sucks doesn’t it?! Rolls eyes! LOL.

I am not sure how true this statement really is, however I have put together some tips and tricks that can help to reduce the appearance of pregnancy stretch marks.

Stay Hydrated

It is recommended that while pregnant that you consume 80 ounces of water per day.  A great way to do so is by using a water bottle tracker.   This way you can keep track of how much water you drank for the day.  Another great tip, is try adding some fruit to your water, sometimes this can help if you need to spruce up the taste of your water just a little bit.

Control Your Weight

I know this is hard to do and in fact sometimes you really cannot stop the weight gain, however, it is important to be aware of the weight gain.  Try to stay within the weight gain limits that your doctor set for you during the pregnancy.  While weight gain plays a significant roll in getting pregnancy stretch marks it is best not to over obsess over this.  The main focus should be on having a healthy baby and enjoying your pregnancy.

Eat Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been known to prevent stretch marks because it is an antioxidant that promotes healthy and vibrant skin.  Your body uses Vitamin C to ward off toxins that are better known as free radicals.  Eating foods rich in Vitamin C or even just taking a Vitamin C supplement  can aid in preventing stretch marks.  Of course check with your doctor first to be sure that a Vitamin C supplement is something that you can take during your pregnancy and to get the correct dosage.

Do Not Scratch Your Belly

I would be lying if I said that not scratching your belly while pregnant is easy.  There are times when your stomach is itching and all you want to do is scratch it just to get some relief.  STOP, do not do it, as tempting as it is, don’t.  It has been said that scratching your stomach can lead to stretch marks and that it should be avoided at all cost.  An easy way to avoid having an itchy stomach is by keeping it super moisturized.  Not only will keeping your belly and other parts of your skin moisturized stop that unbearable itch, it will also eliminate and prevent pregnancy stretch marks.

Keep Your Belly Moisturized

Your belly should be moisturized at least twice a day.  Once in the morning and once at night.  If you can moisturize your belly more than this, by all means, go ahead and do so.  The more moisturized the better.  As stretch marks appears, it is important to treat it as soon possible.  Keeping your skin moisturized will prevent and even treat your current stretch marks.  However, keep in mind that it is all about using the right oils and creams.  You should start using oils and creams from the moment you find out your are pregnant.  Do not wait until your bump makes its’ grand appearance to start implementing oils and creams into your daily regimen.

Top Oils And Creams For Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Bio Oil

Bio oil is my number one recommended oil that I used to help prevent and eliminate pregnancy stretch marks.  Bio oil contains everything needed to work its’ magic.  Be consistent with this oil by applying daily and I can attest to you that the amount of pregnancy stretch marks will be limited.

Olive Oil

Good old olive oil is another great oil to apply.  Almost everyone has this in their kitchen cabinet.  So if bio oil is something you can not get your hands on right away.  Start by using olive oil.  As your belly stretches, the application of olive oil helps the skin to expand in a easier fashion.   Olive acts as a remedy and preventative method for pregnancy stretch marks.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great oil that keeps the skin super hydrated.  The application of coconut oil makes the skin more elastic, therefore making it harder for stretch marks to appear on your belly or other parts of your body.  It absorbs nicely into the skin and encourages great production of collagen.  Coconut oil is an inexpensive oil that can be utilized to prevent stretch marks.  The key is to make sure that it is pure coconut oil with nothing extra added in it.


Shea Butter

I loved using pure Shea butter on my belly, breast, sides and anywhere else where I felt I was prone for stretch marks.  Shea butter is natural and super creamy.  It leaves your skin very moisturized and hydrated.  Shea butter is a must butter to use while pregnant.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is amazing as well in preventing stretch marks.  It is all natural and smells great.  Cocoa butter keeps your skin moisturized and not greasy for a long period of time.  It is affordable and a little goes a long way.

Here Are My Final Tips On Preventing Stretch Marks

  • Remember it starts from within.  You can not ignore the fact that you should be drinking 80 ounces of water per day while pregnant.  This in itself sounds like a horrid chore, however, you will reap great benefits.  You and your baby will stay hydrated, plus it will aid in preventing stretch marks.  Win, Win!
  • Use oils and creams twice a day or as often as you need to.  Keep that belly and other parts of your skin moisturized.
  • Do not scratch your stomach.

If you do all of this and still get stretch marks, it is okay.  It is well worth it, after all you are bringing a whole human being into the world.  Do not be too hard on yourself, remember, research has stated that stretch marks are hereditary.  So if we follow what research has stated, there isn’t  anything much you can do to stop those dreadful stretch marks.  However, I encourage you to still do your part in trying to prevent stretch marks, regardless of research.

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Pregnancy Stretch Marks

2 thoughts on “Pregnancy Stretch Marks”

  1. Excellent information regarding skin care and stretch mark prevention whether pregnant or not.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad the information was helpful towards you!! Come back again to read more content.

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