Pregnancy Surprise

Pregnancy surprise

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Pregnancy Surprise

After traveling and living the best life I could possibly live, I got a pregnancy surprise for the first time!  I remember like it was yesterday. It was a Saturday afternoon to be exact.  The year was 2016.


“WOW” I said to myself, after 10 years of being married to my first love, we were finally having a baby! I was about to become a new mommy. Seeing those two lines on the pregnancy test seemed so surreal.  But it was so very REAL.

I was so ecstatic but still worried at the same time when I found out I was pregnant.  I, however, started thinking of ways I could tell my husband about the pregnancy surprise.  I decided to go to the store and get a digital pregnancy test, I needed to see the word “PREGNANT.”

At the store, I also got my husband a baby bib that read “I Love Daddy

Preparing the Surprise

I hurried home, and took the digital pregnancy test.  Although I had got a positive on the dollar tree test, I just needed that extra confirmation.  It did not take long for the words to pop up on the screen “PREGNANT!!”  I still was in a state of shock seeing the words.  I kept thinking to myself, “I’m going to be someone’s mommy.”  I finally came to terms that yes I will be someones’ mom and I placed the digital pregnancy test and the bib in a gift bag with tissue paper.

Surprising my Husband

I waited until my husband was settled in and had already eaten dinner before giving him the surprise that will forever change his life.  My husband was watching television and I decided to hand him the gift bag.  I told him it was a late birthday gift that just came in today.  He opened the bag and was was taken aback, speechless, fearful, shooked, because he did not see this one coming at all so soon.

Emotions on Having A Baby

He felt scared and unprepared. He needed time to digest the fact that he was going to be a daddy. As the weeks went by he became excited and happy and couldn’t wait to see his baby.  A baby now what, that’s all we kept thinking.

Baby is here

Anyway fast forward to 2017, our baby boy has been here for 10 months now and our lives have completely changed.  I sometimes cannot believe that I have been a new mommy for 10 months.  It’s no more, just me and my husband.  It’s no more, lets just spontaneously go out of town.  It’s no more, lets watch whatever we want on television.  It’s no more, just get yourself ready.  It’s now we have a son and we have major responsibilities.  It’s all about baby boy.  From the day I found out I was pregnant, my whole life changed, but my life really completely changed the day I met my baby.

New Mommy

I have never felt a love like this and I am so very happy that I am a mommy.  Being a mommy is my greatest accomplishment and blessing.  I thank God everyday for my baby boy.  This pregnancy surprise is the best surprise I have ever had.

Being a mommy has been challenging but also rewarding.  Click here to read more about me.  I look forward to sharing my story with you as you read my blog!