Starting Your Day Right

Steps To Starting Your Day Right

Starting your day right

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Mastering starting your day right, ultimately leads to a productive day.  I would be lying if I said waking up each morning and getting my baby ready so that I can go to work is an easy task.  There are times where I wish I could just spend an extra 10 minutes in the bed.  There are times where I feel like I  did not get enough sleep or I just went to sleep and here comes the alarm clock.

This is my cry each morning.  I know that no matter how much I complain about waking up and starting the day, it is something I must do.  I have to get my baby ready, I got to go to work, I simply have to start my day right.

So to help me combat the morning blues, I developed a simple 4 step plan that helps me start my day right and keeps me on track each morning.  These steps plays a great role in me having a productive day.

Step 1:  Prepare Everything The Night Before For Starting Your Day Right The Next Day

Yes moms, it all starts from the night before.  Set some time aside before going to bed to lay out your work clothes, make-up, shoes, etc.  Pack your baby’s bag for the daycare with everything your baby will need in his or her bag from the night before.  If your baby is eating perishable foods, put it in the fridge where it is easily accessible that will allow you to just grab it and pack it in the morning.  If your baby is eating jar food, simply put it the baby’s bag the night before.  Also select your baby’s clothing for the next day as well.  Trust me, as trivial as this sounds, this will actually save you a lot of time and help you not forget anything.  It will ease that morning rush and take some pressure off.  Watch my below on what to pack for daycare.

Step 2: Do Devotion, Prayer or Meditation For Starting Your Day Right

Each morning I say a prayer.  I may not be able to actually get on my knees each day however, I make sure to say a little prayer asking for protection over my family and wisdom and guidance as I start a new day.  Depending on what is happening that morning, I try to squeeze in morning devotion.  Currently, I read a couple of scriptures each morning from my bible, however I was searching for a devotion that is more catered towards mothers and I came across an awesome devotion.  It is called Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus.  I have now added this to my to buy list and will be purchasing it.  I am elated that I can purchase this book in the audio book version, that way I can listen to it while I am doing other things in the morning.

While browsing I also came across another book that I found quite interesting as well.   It is entitled Meditations for New Moms: Reflections, Scripture, and Wisdom for Mommy’s First Year.  This is a book for meditation and it is filled with scriptures and reflections for the new mom.  I will definitely be checking this one out as well.

Whether you choose to pray, meditate or do devotions, the point is, just start your morning off with whatever that can get you in a zen, peaceful state of mind.  My choice is prayer and devotion.

Step 3: Do Not Skip Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is the easiest thing to do.  However, I suggest that you do not do this.  Breakfast is key in starting your day right.  Your body needs to be started off right with a full breakfast.  It is like fueling up your car. When you wake up in the morning you are on E and when you eat breakfast, you suddenly revive yourself and boost your energy levels.  I know it is time consuming to prepare breakfast in the morning, this is why I make my breakfast on Sunday for the whole entire week.

I prepare my eggs and my oatmeal on Sundays and I freeze them in portions.  Each night I remove one from the freezer and place in fridge so that in the mornings all I have to do is pop it in the microwave and I am good to go.  I usually eat a waffle with my eggs.  My favorite one is Eggo Thick and Fluffy.  If you prefer to do your oatmeal in the mornings, I suggest using the instant oatmeal.  It is quick and effortless. Just add milk and pop in the microwave.

Finally Step 4:  The Grand Finale For Starting Your Day Right – DRINK COFFEE or TEA

I will never go a day without drinking coffee.  Coffee just does something to me.  My morning routine is not complete until I have that first cup of coffee.  Coffee is an essential part of the morning to starting your day right.  It gets me perky and ready for the hustle of work.  I honestly could not have a successful morning without a drink of that coffee.  Currently, I have been indulging in Sudden Coffee. Sudden Coffee comes in two flavors. The first one is called Rayos Del Sol.  It is a light coffee.  The tasting notes are pear, lime and apricot.  The other flavor is called Cristalina.  Cristalina is a medium roast coffee.  It’s tasting notes are fresh melon, juicy fruit gum and chocolate cookies.

My favorite is Cristalina. It is smooth and very tasty.  It’s nothing better than a good cup of coffee and sudden coffee definitely delivers that!  The best part about this coffee is that it is an instant coffee.  It comes in a tube prepackaged with instant coffee grains in it.  It allows you to add the amount of coffee you desire to your milk and water.  It is also easy for us busy working moms to toss a few tubes of the instant coffee in our purse for coffee at the office or on the go.

Watch my review of sudden coffee here:

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Starting your day right

To spruce my coffee up, I love adding flavored syrup and eating a biscotti with it.  I can only indulge in the biscotti if time allows me to in the mornings.

Are you convinced yet to try this coffee?  Prices are reasonable and you will never run out of coffee with this subscription box.  You can start off with a 8 cup plan and gradually move up to the 48 cup plan.

Find out more about the coffee and get your free trial below!

starting your day right

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Hopefully, you are able to implement these steps that will allow you to be on a path to starting your day right.  I practice these steps daily and I can say that it definitely eases my chaotic mornings.  It has eliminated morning stress and allows me to have a productive day.

You can do it Mamas!

Share your tips and tricks below to starting your day right.  I would love to hear them.

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Start Your Day Right

Starting Your Day Right

Starting your day right

starting your day right