Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

How To Prevent Swollen Feet During Pregnancy


Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

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YEAH you are pregnant, but guess what you may just get those lovely swollen feet during your pregnancy.

I do not know about you, but I experience swollen feet in my pregnancy and it starts as early as the first trimester for me.  I develop those dreaded cankles, lol.  My feet get so swollen, I can not even wear my normal shoes during pregnancy.  I am a flip flop, penny loafers kind of girl during pregnancy.  Ugh, so unflattering!   Forget all those fancy high heel shoes, that is not happening during pregnancy for me!

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Since I suffer with cankles, I have some tips and tricks that can help minimize those swollen feet during pregnancy if you too suffer from this.

Elevate Your Feet

Keep those feet elevated.  Elevating your feet is an absolute must during pregnancy.  Get a little foot rest that you can place under your work desk and put those feet up.  It does not 100 percent take away the swollen feet but it sure does help.  Besides your feet feels better just being elevated, so it is worth a try.  Here you can find the foot rest that I actually have and it is very affordable.

Wear Compression Socks

Wear compression socks.  Yes, I know, they are ugly and not the most feminine thing to wear, however, this does actually work.  It may take a little getting use to, cause they really do compress your feet to prevent it from swelling.  Do not get any random type of compression socks because they are not all created equally.  Some socks does not come with much compression or either the compression in the socks does not last long and it wears out quickly.  I personally love these type of compression socks.  They compress my ankles very well.

Weekly Foot Soaks

Weekly foot soaks with Epsom Salt and warm water is a must.  Epsom salt is an anti-inflammation remedy and is a well known natural exfoliant.  You can even invest in a foot bath to make things easier.  Soaking your feet in warm Epsom salt water is so invigorating and soothing to your feet.  You may even want to add a couple drops of essential oils to step it up a notch!  It is a easy way to just relax and unwind, while doing something very beneficial for your feet.

Some benefits of Epsom Salt:

  1. Soothes the feet
  2. Reliefs sore muscles
  3. Treat dry skin
  4. Fight illness

Daily Foot Rubs and Massages

Get someone to give you daily foot rubs if possible and if you can not get someone to do it, then you should at least try to do it yourself.  It does not have to be anything extreme just a little foot rub will go a long way and help your feet to feel a whole lot better.  Using massage oils can make the process even easier.  Oh if you can not massage your own feet,  I got something even better for you, invest in a handheld massager! This massager will help you to massage your feet effortlessly.

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Get A Professional Pedicure

Yes, I just gave you yet another reason why you need to get a pedicure!  Who does not like to get pampered.  Getting a professional pedicure every couple weeks can really aid in making those swollen, tired feet feel better.  I get a pedicure every two to three weeks when I am pregnant.  You can just get a basic pedicure, however, if you want to splurge, go all out and get the works!

Doing some of the above mentioned things can eliminate swollen feet during pregnancy and can help you to have a more enjoyable pregnancy.  It is a good idea to do one or two of these things and you will notice a change.

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Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Swollen Feet During Pregnancy









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